Nihon-go Lesson

Good Evening eveyone :)
So this post is going to be about japanese lesson
Are you ready??
Let's begin ^_^

1. 私はあなたを愛して.I love you.
2.私はあなたがいなくて寂しい .I miss you.
3.ありがとう.Thank you.
4.おはようございます.Good Morning.
5.おやすみなさい.Good Night.
6.こんにちは.Good Afternoon.
7.明けましておめでとうございます.Happy new year.
8.それは何時ですか?. What time is it?
9.私はあなたを好き .I like you.
10.忘れてた . I forgot.
11.はじめまして .Nice too meet you.
12.御免なさい. I'm sorry.
13.さようなら. Goodbye
14.お元気ですか? How are you?
15.トイレわきたないですか? Is the toilet dirty?
I think that's all for today.. Bye bye ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

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