Keep doing better!

Hey hey hey!!

How is your second day in this year??
Amazing?? Awesome? Sad? Bored??
But, before it is late i just want to say..


明きまして おめでとう ございます!!

My new year's eve celebration is pretty much the same..
Just sleep in my comfortable bed.. Hahaha..
I'm not that kind of girl.. *i mean party girl*

I just want to share my experience in 2012..
That year was a rough year for me..
but, i believe that the pain i experienced last year will make me stronger and stronger..
Like kelly clarkson said "what doesn't kill you make you stronger"
Yeah, i hope this year i'll become a better person..

I also want to say sorry to my friends..
i know most of time i annoy you guys.. haha..
I'm sorry..

Well, next thing is my wish list for 2013:
  1. Good Grades
  2. Smarter brain
  3. No pimples in my face
  4. Trip to Holy land 
  5. Driver license 
  6. iPad
  7. Car 
  8. Boyfriend??
Hmm, ignore the eighth one please..
And here my resolution:
  1. Closer with God
  2. Become a better person
  3. More dilligent 
  4. Lose weight!
  5. Post more fashion entry 
Before i end this post, i just want to  say..
Bye =D

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