10 things that make me happy

Okay, in my previous post, i said i'm going to tell you what are things that make me happy..
There's lots of thing that make me happy..
So yeah, i'm just going to write 10 of it..
Btw, how are you??

Let's start!

  1. Sleeping
    I love sleeping very much, sleeping is one of my hobby.. I'm serious.. With sleep i can forget all of my problems if it just for awhile..
  2. Shopping
    Shopping, is my favorite hobby.. I don't buy branded items so often, but i still like shopping.. Especially clothes..
  3. Receiving souvenirs from my dad..
    My dad often going abroad with his office.. And i use this opportunity to ask a lot of souvenirs.. Branded items in Indonesia are more expensive than in another country, so yeah I ask branded items.. The great part is, my dad already knew what i wanted.. He can read my mind..
  4. Reading
    I love to read.. Novels, comics, magazines, another people's blog.. Everything..
  5. Eating
    I'm actually a glutton.. 
  6. 9gag-ing
    Everybody loves 9gag right?
  7. Hang out with my friends
    We can't love alone, so we need friend *random mode: on*
  8. Buying things alone..
    Most of people think that, shopping is better with friends.. I also think the same, but for me there's a time for me to be alone.. Is not that bad..
  9. Blogging
    If i do not like blogging, so what's the point of writing post?
  10. Going to church
    You may think that i'm a religious person.. But in church i found what you called inner peace or something like that.. Jesus is Good..

So, those are things that makes me happy..
How about you guys??

See you in the next post, bye :)

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